Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ultrasound Machines & Ultra Sound Safety

Are Ultrasound Machines Safe?
Yes. Exceptions:
  • Excess of 120 dB may lead to hearing loss.
  • Excess of 155 dB may harm the human body due to heat.
  • Exposures above 180 dB may lead to death.

Ultra, or beyond the norm, when used to describe sound waves as in "ultra sound", is that which exceeds a frequency that a human ear can detect. Normally a human can hear approximately 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz. Ultra sound, as applied to diagnostic imaging or therapy, can be employed to analyze or even treat medical conditions. It applies sound energy at a frequency higher than the human ear can detect, or 20,000 hertz, hence the name ultra sound.

Ultrasound machines use Ultra sound in a generally safe manner. What makes medical sonography safe is its high frequency and low loudness, lack of radiation, and skillful application by trained sonographers. When it comes to ultrasound, machines of this complexity are only to be used by trained ultrasound technicians or sonogram machine operators who are experts in medical ultrasound. Machines are very expensive and highly advanced.

Ultrasound machines by Biosound Esaote are well suited to diagnosing endocrinological and otolaryngological issues, and are offered exclusively in America by, Smartsound Ultrasound.

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